21 January 2020
The pandemic has made it very clear that fulfilling work responsibilities while caring for children and other relatives is a very difficult task. Even before the pandemic, women have been carrying out the majority of care work and for many it meant that they were not able to hold down a paid job. The EQW&L Project (Equality for Work and Life) has focused on exactly this issue: how to facilitate the access to the labour market of unemployed persons – women but not only women – who are hindered from getting and keeping a job by their work-life balance needs. Furthermore, the project aims at supporting SMEs – and namely those in the social economy – in embracing reconciliation friendly working environments.
In this Webinar we will not only present the EQW&L Project, but also the Toolkit it has developed and tested. You will also hear from other stakeholders, including the European Commission, with an up-date on the Work-Life Balance Directive, Eurocarers, representing the interest of informal carers, and the voice of trade unions.
The webinar is organised by WorkLife HUB, project partner.
Registration here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VsTiJpuLTzCAyh5z-7nhDQ