After two years of activities, the EQW&L (Equality for Work and Life) project is coming to its closure: the activities carried out throughout the project will be presented on Thursday, 25 February from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the webinar ” Le buone pratiche di EQW&L per le politiche di conciliazione, i servizi per il lavoro e il welfare territoriale (EQW&L good practices for reconciliation policies, employment services and territorial welfare)”.
During the webinar, the various stages of the process will be presented and discussed, from the methodology behind the activities and the creation of the EQW&Ltoolkit, to the phases of experimentation on the territory, the new perspectives in terms of work-life balance and the developments of the European directive on the subject.
To participate, you need to register here:
The webinar will be held on Zoom.