25  February 2021
Webinar “EQW&L good practices for reconciliation policies, employment services and territorial welfare”

After two years of activities, the EQW&L (Equality for Work and Life) project is coming to its closure: the activities carried out throughout the project will be presented on Thursday, 25 February from 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the webinar ” Le buone pratiche di EQW&L per le politiche di conciliazione, i servizi per il lavoro e il welfare territoriale

21  January 2021
Webinar “Work-Life Balance and job-seekers: the role of Public Employment Services”

The pandemic has made it very clear that fulfilling work responsibilities while caring for children and other relatives is a very difficult task. Even before the pandemic, women have been carrying out the majority of care work and for many it meant that they were not able to hold down a paid job.

14  May 2020
EQW&L online meeting in Florence

On 14 May 2020, another seminar of the EQW&L project will take place online involving ANPAL, Fondazione Brodolini, CGM, representatives from ARTI Toscana, public employment services’ staff of Massa (headquarters Carrara), Empoli, Santa Croce and Rosignano, the president of Mestieri Toscana and the welfare manager of the CGM network.

12  February 2020
EQW&L seminar in the Autonomous Province of Trento

On the 12th of February 2020 at the Labour Agency premises, it will take place another seminar of the project EQW&L with the public employment services’ staff, representatives from ANPAL and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

3  February 2020
EQW&L seminar in Florence

On the 3rd of February 2020 at the ARTI premises (Tuscany Region), it will take place another seminar of the project EQW&L with the public employment services’ staff, representatives from ANPAL and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini.

15 November 2019
EQW&L Seminar in  Florence

On the 15th of November 2019 at ARTI (Tuscany Region), it takes place the seminar of the project EQW&L with the public employment services’ staff, representatives from ANPAL, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini, UIL and CGM.

7/8 November
EQW&L in Trieste

The project coordinator, Anna Chiara Giorio, took part in the Annual Review Meeting (RAR) between the European Commission, the central administrations and the ESF Managing Authorities, held in Trieste on the 7th and 8th of November 2019, to present the EQW&L project at the III session – FSE – Human Resources Subcommittee.

05 November 2019
EQW&L seminar in the Autonomous Province of Trento

On the 5th of November 2019 at the Labour Agency premises, it took place the seminar of the project EQW&L with the public employment services’ staff, representatives from ANPAL, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini and CGM.

17 October 2019
First EQW&L seminar in Piedmont

On October 17th, 2019 in Turin at Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro premises, it took place the first seminar of the project EQW&L with public employment services’ staff, representatives from…